Do you love fashion and always find yourself coming up with new ideas or writing about the latest trends? If so, you’re in the right place! We’re looking for creative and passionate writers to join our team and contribute to our “Write for Us” page. We want you to share your love for fashion and inspire others with your unique voice and style. So, let’s get started!

What We’re Looking For

We’re on the hunt for people who are just as excited about fashion as we are. Whether you’re an expert in the field or just a fan who loves to write about your favorite outfits and accessories, we want to hear from you! To be a part of our team, you’ll need to have:

  1. A Passion for Fashion: We’re looking for people who love fashion “write for us” and can share their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge with our readers.
  2. Creative Writing Skills: You should be able to write in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. Remember, we’re targeting a 5th-grade reading level, so your writing should be clear and simple.
  3. Original Ideas: We love fresh and unique content that will inspire and inform our readers. So, be sure to come up with your own ideas and avoid copying from other sources.
  4. Proper Headings: Make sure you use proper headings to organize your content, making it easy for readers to follow along.
Source: Bigoak

How to Submit Your Work

Ready to start writing? Great! Just follow these steps to submit your work:

  1. Choose a Topic: Pick a topic that fits within the realm of fashion. This could be anything from the latest trends to timeless style tips.
  2. Write Your Article: Craft your 1000-word masterpiece, making sure to include the keywords “write for us + fashion”, “fashion write for us”, and “write for us fashion”. Remember to keep your writing at a 5th-grade reading level and use proper headings.
  3. Proofread and Edit: Before submitting your work, make sure to double-check for spelling and grammar errors. We want your writing to be the best it can be!
  4. Submit Your Work: Once you’ve written and proofread your article, send it to us through our online submission form or an email [email protected]. We’ll review your work and, if it’s a good fit, we’ll publish it on our site!

What’s in It for You

By joining our team and contributing to our “Write for Us” page, you’ll enjoy some amazing benefits:

  1. Share Your Passion: You’ll have the chance to express your love for fashion and inspire others with your unique voice and style.
  2. Build Your Portfolio: As you write for us, you’ll be able to showcase your skills and build a strong portfolio to impress potential clients and employers.
  3. Expand Your Network: You’ll get to connect with other fashion enthusiasts and professionals, expanding your network and opening up new opportunities.
  4. Boost Your Online Presence: Your articles will be published on our website, giving you more exposure and helping you establish your online presence.

Topic Ideas to Get You Started

Need some inspiration to start writing? Here are a few topic ideas to help get your creative juices flowing:

  1. Trendy and Timeless: Write about the latest trends and how they can be incorporated into a classic wardrobe for a fresh, modern look.
  2. Accessorize in Style: Share your favorite ways to use accessories to elevate any outfit, from statement pieces to subtle touches.
  3. Fashion on a Budget: Offer tips and tricks for staying stylish without breaking the bank, focusing on affordable options and smart shopping strategies.
  1. Sustainable Fashion: Discuss the importance of sustainable fashion and provide advice on how to make eco-friendly choices when shopping for clothes.
  2. Dress for Success: Offer tips on dressing for different occasions, such as job interviews, weddings, or casual get-togethers.
  3. Fashion for All Ages: Write about how to adapt popular trends for various age groups, ensuring style and comfort for everyone.
  4. Fashion DIYs: Share your favorite do-it-yourself fashion projects, such as upcycling old clothes or creating unique accessories.
  5. Fashion Icons: Write about your favorite fashion icons and their impact on the industry, highlighting their signature styles and accomplishments.
  6. Travel in Style: Give advice on how to pack the perfect travel wardrobe, combining style and practicality for a fashionable and stress-free vacation.
  7. Seasonal Style Tips: Offer guidance on how to transition your wardrobe from one season to the next, focusing on versatile pieces and layering techniques.

Remember, these are just suggestions to get you started. Feel free to come up with your own unique ideas that showcase your passion for fashion!


Writing Tips for Success

To make sure your writing stands out, follow these helpful tips:

  1. Keep It Simple: Since we’re targeting a 5th-grade reading level, make sure your writing is easy to understand. Use simple words and short sentences, and avoid jargon or complex terminology.
  2. Stay Focused: Stick to one main idea or theme throughout your article, ensuring your content is cohesive and easy to follow.
  3. Be Conversational: Write in a friendly, conversational tone, as if you’re speaking directly to the reader. This will help create a connection and make your writing more engaging.
  4. Include Examples: Use real-life examples and personal experiences to illustrate your points, making your content more relatable and interesting.
  5. Be Informative: Provide useful information and actionable tips that readers can apply to their own lives. This will make your content more valuable and memorable.


What types of articles are you looking for?

We are interested in a wide range of fashion topics, including the latest trends, style tips, sustainable fashion, fashion history, DIY projects, and more! Check out our “Topic Ideas” section for inspiration.

Do I need to have prior writing experience?

Not necessarily! If you have a passion for fashion and can write clearly and engagingly, we’d love to hear from you.

What is the word count requirement?

We typically look for articles that are around 1000 words long.

How often can I submit articles?

There’s no limit! You’re welcome to submit as many articles as you like. However, we ask that you space out your submissions to give us time to review them.

Will I be paid for my work?

At this time, we do not offer payment for guest posts. However, by writing for us, you can gain exposure, build your portfolio, and connect with other fashion enthusiasts.

Do I get a byline?

Yes! We’ll include your name and a short bio (that you provide) with your published articles.

Can I include links to my website or social media profiles?

Yes, we allow you to include a link to your website or relevant social media profiles in your author bio.

How long does the review process take?

We try to review all submissions within 1-2 weeks. If your article is selected, we’ll contact you with next steps.

Final Thoughts

We can’t wait to read your amazing fashion articles and share them with our readers! Remember to follow our guidelines and use the keywords “write for us + fashion”, “fashion write for us”, and “write for us fashion”. We’re excited to see what you come up with, and we’re thrilled to have you join our team of passionate fashion enthusiasts. So, start writing, and let your creativity shine!

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